Silent Auction
About the Auction
The Second Randomennial Houston Tea Festival Silent Auction will benefit KIPP Prime College Preparatory School, Southeast Campus, a local public school whose students and their families were affected by Hurricane Harvey.
Proceeds from the silent auction will help pay for a shade structure to be placed over the playground so that the kids can play in the fresh air on sunny and rainy days!
Click the image to the right to download a PDF and learn more about KIPP Prime College Preparatory School.
Thanks to everyone who donated items or purchased items at the Silent Auction to benefit KIPP Houston Public Schools. Together we raised $986 to help the school!
Auction Items
Below you’ll find a selected preview of the items that will be available at the Houston Tea Festival silent auction to benefit KIPP Prime College Preparatory School, Southeast Campus.
The Houston Tea Festival would like to thank its generous Silent Auction donors:
1/1 NaturesWorks, Adams Tea Company, Bedrock City Comics – Clear Lake , Loretta Beard, CatSpring Yaupon, Darcy Truehan Massage, Dragon’s Treasure, Earlene Grey, The Enchanted Ivy, Erika’s Tea Room and Gifts, Gnome and Fairy Pottery, Kat Grannemann, It’s An Affair of the Heart, Mana Organics, Mar-Tea-Na, McHugh Tea Room, Tedra Mendoza, Metcalfe Studios, Nando’s Honey, James Norwood Pratt, Stevita, Sunday Taylor, The Tea Mistress, LLC, TeaTime Magazine, and the Yaupon Brothers American Tea Company.